Christmas Carolers E-Pattern By Sharon Shannon

Sharon Shannon

$ 7.50 
SKU: 04-ESS03

This digital PDF E-Pattern, designed by Sharon Shannon, includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.


Paint- DecoArt Americana
Neutral Grey Bleached Sand Raw Sienna Desert Sand
Warm Beige Burnt Sienna Brilliant Red Sable Brown
Charcoal Grey Soft Black Antique Green Celery Green
Napa Red Black Plum Burnt Umber Traditional Burnt Umber
Warm White 24K Gold Extreme Sheen Metallic Paint Cadmium Orange
Jo Sonja’s Magic Mix
Jo Sonja’s Clear Glaze Medium
DecoArt Multi Purpose Sealer
Blair Satin Clear Finishing Spray #810
Surface: Wood ornament (lacy oval) 7”x4”, item # 207-0273 Available from
#2,4,6,12 flats The large flat is used for applying sealer and base-coating the back of the ornament.
#10/0, #2 filberts
#1/8”, #1/4” angles
#10/0 liner brush
Tack cloth and a sanding pad or fine sand paper