Bluebird Runner E-Pattern by Wendy Fahey
Patterns designed and painted by Wendy Fahey; E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.
PALETTE: Deco Art Americana So Soft: DSS77 Santa Red DSS25 Christmas (Primary) Red DSS24 Lamp Black DSS1 White DSS19 Avocado Green DSS86 Ocean Blue DSS13 True Blue DSS42 Primary Blue DSS2 Antique Gold DSS32 Dioxazine Purple
Dazzling Metallics: DA148 Emperor’s Gold (Metallic) Glamor Dust Paints: DGD08 Purple Passion DGD07 Turquoise Sparkle DGD09 Ice Crystal DGD11 Sapphire Blue DGD05 Limelight DGD03 Sizzling Red
BRUSHES: Princeton Brushes Liner: #10/0 Round: #0 Lunar Blenders: 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 3/8
SUPPLIES: Black Fabric Runner or Cushion/Pillow Covers A small Star Stencil (optional) White Transfer