Bloomin' Beauty E-Pattern by Wendy Fahey
Patterns designed and painted by Wendy Fahey; E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.
PALETTE: Deco Art Americana DA067 Lamp Black DA195 Bittersweet Chocolate DA063 Burnt Sienna DA137 Shading Flesh DA064 Burnt Umber DA113 Plantation Pine DA056 Olive Green DA132 Hauser Medium Green DA131 Hauser Light Green DA172 Black Plum DA157 Black Green DA326 Peacock Teal DA085 Midnite Blue DA257 Bleached Sand DA150 Royal Purple DA129 True Red DA095 Neutral Grey DGD09 Glamor Dust Glitter Paint (color - Ice Crystal) ADC29 Chalky Finish (color - Carbon)
BRUSHES: Dynasty Black Gold by FM Brushes (Series 206) Flat Wash: 3/4 Oval Wash: 1/4 Shader: #12, 10 Liner: #10/0 Filbert: #8 Round: #0
SUPPLIES: Panel Kit with butterfly/geranium add-on PS214 …available at Gold Leaf Flakes (use over basin &/or plastic sheeting) Rag Kitchen sponge / scrubby Old scruffy #12 Flat brush White Glue