Blessed Squirrels E-Pattern

Sharon Bond

$ 6.50 
SKU: 04-ESB160

E-Pattern is designed and painted by Sharon Bond; E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions.

Palette: Americana Acrylics by DecoArt:
 Antique Gold
 Banana Cream
 Burnt Orange
 Burnt Sienna
 Canyon Orange
 Cocoa
 Dark Chocolate
 Espresso
 Heritage Brick
 Honey Brown
 Lamp Black
 Light Cinnamon
 Marigold
 Milk Chocolate
 Rookwood Red
 Sable Brown
 Soft Black
 Traditional Burnt Umber
 Warm White
Specialty Paint by DecoArt:
 Dazzling Metallics – Worn Penny
Surface: Squatty Pumpkin Plaque - Available from – Item # 31-L467
Misc. Supplies:
 Americana Acrylic Matte Spray Finisher
 Decor Cling Leaves Rubber Stamp – Available from – Item # DCR101
 DecoArt DuraClear Gloss Varnish (Optional)
 Ultra-fine Permanent Black Marker – (Such as an Ultra-fine Sharpie, available at most stores!) ----OR------ Black PITT Artist Pen, Superfine and/or an Extra Superfine by Faber-Castell (for even finer lines.)
 Water Mister Bottle
 Miscellaneous Sponge or Brayer
 Miscellaneous wire or ribbon to create a hanger (Optional)
Brushes: Angular Shader ¼”
Angular Shader 3/8”
Glaze/Wash Brush ¾
Round 2
Script Liner 10/0
Shader 6
Shader 10
Other Brushes from Cupboard Distributing:
#6 Oval Drybrush – Jo Sonja’s Sure Touch – Item # 03-2010-6
#8 Oval Drybrush – Jo Sonja’s Sure Touch – Item # 03-2010-8