Blessed Squirrels E-Pattern
E-Pattern is designed and painted by Sharon Bond; E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions.
Palette: Americana Acrylics by DecoArt:
Antique Gold
Banana Cream
Burnt Orange
Burnt Sienna
Canyon Orange
Dark Chocolate
Heritage Brick
Honey Brown
Lamp Black
Light Cinnamon
Milk Chocolate
Rookwood Red
Sable Brown
Soft Black
Traditional Burnt Umber
Warm White
Specialty Paint by DecoArt:
Dazzling Metallics – Worn Penny
Surface: Squatty Pumpkin Plaque - Available from – Item # 31-L467
Misc. Supplies:
Americana Acrylic Matte Spray Finisher
Decor Cling Leaves Rubber Stamp – Available from – Item # DCR101
DecoArt DuraClear Gloss Varnish (Optional)
Ultra-fine Permanent Black Marker – (Such as an Ultra-fine Sharpie, available at most stores!) ----OR------ Black PITT Artist Pen, Superfine and/or an Extra Superfine by Faber-Castell (for even finer lines.)
Water Mister Bottle
Miscellaneous Sponge or Brayer
Miscellaneous wire or ribbon to create a hanger (Optional)
Brushes: Angular Shader ¼”
Angular Shader 3/8”
Glaze/Wash Brush ¾
Round 2
Script Liner 10/0
Shader 6
Shader 10
Other Brushes from Cupboard Distributing:
#6 Oval Drybrush – Jo Sonja’s Sure Touch – Item # 03-2010-6
#8 Oval Drybrush – Jo Sonja’s Sure Touch – Item # 03-2010-8