Ballerina by Lonna Lamb
Designed by Lonna Lamb; E-Pattern comes as a downloadable PDF file and includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.
Supplies: Water Basin Palette paper Paper Towels Stylus Tracing Paper Graphite paper Grey & White Pencil or pen Misting bottle Fine sanding pad Palette Knife
9 x 12 canvas panel
You may reduce or enlarge the pattern to fit your surface.
Paints: DecoArt Americana Acrylics
Blue Mist DA178
Cobalt Turquoise Hue Media Paint DMFA09
Cotton Candy DA347
Deep Blush DA137 (previously known as Shading Flesh)
Sea Glass
Snow White DA01
Terra Coral DA286
Warm Beige DA078 (previously known as Flesh Tone)
Brushes by Loew-Cornell
3/4" Oval 3600
1/4" & 3/8" Angle 7400
10 Flat 7300
Brushes by Winsor Newton
2 Round 111
Mediums: DecoArt
DuraClear Satin Varnish DS21
Texture Stucco TX07