Autumn Posie Pockets E-Pattern

Patricia Jarrett

$ 6.50 
SKU: 04-EPJ019

Downloadable PDF E-Pattern by Pat Jarrett includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.

Palette – Americana Acrylics
Avocado, Burnt Orange, Buttermilk, Dark Chocolate, Evergreen, Lamp Black,
Marigold, Rookwood Red and Warm White.

I have listed the brushes I feel comfortable using but you should feel free to
substitute according to your preference.
Shaders: Size 2-8.
Loew-Cornelle 3700, curved flat brush (new brush and I love it!).
Round: #2.

Other Supplies
Metal Posie Pocket #11-27929 from Cupboard Distributing (
Clear ruler.
Gray graphite paper.
White graphite paper.
Stylus – large and small.
Americana Spray Matte Sealer.