Apple Bucket E-Pattern By Linda Hollander
This digital PDF E-Pattern, designed by Linda Hollander, includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.
• DecoArt Traditions: Burgundy, Burnt Umber, Carbon Black, Dark Grey Value 3, Hansa Yellow, Light Grey Value 8, Medium Beige, Medium Grey Value 6, Medium Red Rose, Naphthol Red,
Phthalo Green Blue, Prussian Blue, Raw Sienna, Sapphire, Titanium White, Warm White, Yellow
Light Green
• Surfaces- 10x10 Wood Canvas #31-29840
• Royal Brushes:
Fusion Shader #6, 10; Round #3, Filbert #6, Wash ½”
Aqualon: Angular Shader ¼”, 3/8, ½’ Glaze/Wash Series 3700 ½” 1”, Fan Series 3850 #4, Round #1, Liner 10/1
Misc Brushes: assorted mops and blenders
• Misc.-DecoArt Traditions Retarder Medium; DecoArt Traditions Glazing Medium, graphite paper, tracing paper, wet and dry palettes, Krylon Spray Sealer Flat Finish; Krylon Workable Fixative (optional)