3D Seaside Scape E-Pattern by Wendy Fahey
Patterns designed and painted by Wendy Fahey; E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.
PALETTE: Deco Art Americana DA147 Antique Green DA195 Bittersweet Chocolate DA257 Bleached Sand DA064 Burnt Umber DA130 Raw Umber DA259 Cocoa DA191 Camel DA171 Driftwood DA069 Dove Grey DA067 Lamp Black DA174 Milk Chocolate DA095 Neutral Grey DA190 Winter Blue DA239 Warm White DA241 Light Mocha DA242 Fawn DA334 Colonial Blue DS60 DuraClear Matte Finish (varnish) DS106 DecoArt Americana Decou-Page (matte) DMM23 Texture Sand Paste DS18 Glaze Medium FOR USE WITH
PAINTED BLANKET ONLY: DA164 Light Buttermilk DA04 Sand
BRUSHES: Princeton Brushes Flat Wash: 3/4 Shader: #12, #10, #8, #6 Liner: #10/0 Script Liner: #1 Comb: #3/8 Lunar Blenders: #1”, 1/2”, 1/8”, 1/16”
SUPPLIES: 16” x 20” Birch Veneer Wooden Panel Scotch Tape (not shiny type) [not masking tape as it leaves ridges in your paint] 8” x 6” piece of thin cream textured fabric (that will fray along the edge) 2 Small bulldog clips or clothes pins Thin stiff Plastic from duo-tang for template Exacto knife Drill Drill bits (for the size of slit – see line drawing) File for sanding (an emery board works) Rubber gloves optional White glue for sand and seashells E-6000 for gluing fabric in place Small assorted seashells Sand granules (about a tablespoon) Container for fabric soaking