Snowflake Dreaming E-Pattern

Betty Bowers

$ 6.50 
SKU: 04-EBB7054

Patterns designed and painted by Betty Bowers; E-Pattern includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.

Extended Information

Palette: Deco Art Americana Acrylic
Soft Black, White, Mistletoe, Spicy Mustard,
Country Red, Irish Moss, Evergreen, Russet,
Victorian Blue, Turquoise Blue, Lt Buttermilk,
Gooseberry Pink, Bright Orange, Gingerbread
Georgia Clay
Deco Art Modeling Paste TX02
Deco Art Multi-Purpose Sealer
Deco Art Matte Spray Sealer
Deco Art Topcoat DS32
Deco Art Glamour Dust DAS37
Wood7054 plaque and snowflake:
Betty Bowers/Down Home
Papillon by the Artist’s Club
Angular Shader size ¼”, ½”
Shader size 8,10. 12
Script liner, size 18/0
1” wash
Dome brush set:
Creative Arts Lifestyles
Basic painting supplies, stylus, transfer
paper, Graphite, Sanding disc or fine sand
paper, 19 gauge wire,E6000 glue, ribbon,
sea sponge, palette knife
Rubber stamp with writing (optional)