Spring at Falls Mill E-Pattern By Annette Dozier

Annette Dozier

$ 10.00 
SKU: 04-EAD05

This digital PDF E-Pattern, designed by Annette Dozier, includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.

Winsor and Newton Oil Palette
French Ultramarine Blue
Burnt Sienna
Burnt Umber
Ivory Black
Olive Green
Alizarin Crimson
Cadmium Red
Cadmium Yellow
Cadmium Yellow Pale
Lemon Yellow
White alkyd (add a dot of Lemon Yellow to all of the White, this will be called
White in the instructions)
DecoArt Americana Palette
Dark Chocolate
Soft Black
12x16 Fredrix Blue Label Canvas
Winsor and Newton Liquin
Winsor and Newton Blending and Glazing Medium
Odorless Turp
Grey Transfer Paper
Acrylic Brushes
#8, #2 Loew Cornell #7300 flat (acrylic brush)
#2 Loew Cornell # 7500 filbert
#1 JS Liner by Loew Cornell
Oil brushes
#8, #12 Bristle flat Loew Cornell #500B
#6 Bristle fan Loew Cornell #500N
#1/2” #3/4”angle bristle Loew Cornell #244
Langnickel Royal Sable #10 flat brush #5010