Ginger Pear E-Pattern

Patricia Jarrett

$ 6.50 
SKU: 04-EPJ031

Downloadable PDF E-Pattern by Pat Jarrett includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.


Palette – Americana Acrylics
Avocado, Blue Violet, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, Buttermilk, Cadmium Yellow, Country
Red, Lamp Black, Leaf Green, Light Avocado, Light Buttermilk, Marigold, Milk
I have listed the brushes I feel comfortable using but you should feel free to substitute
according to your preference.
Shaders - #2 to #8
Leow-Cornell 7330 curved flat brushes ( I used #6, 10 and #12). Love them for
Liner brush – I used a #2 round – use whatever brush you need to achieve the line size
you need.
Other Supplies
Graphite paper
Clear plastic ruler
Americana Matte Finish Spray sealer
Tracing paper.
Identi-Pen (for fine lines).
5”x 7” Canvas Panel.
Frame for 5”x7” canvas (color of your choice).