Salt Box Village E-Pattern

Linda Samuels

$ 6.50 
SKU: 04-EPH0012

Downloadable PDF E-Pattern by Linda Samuels includes: color photo, supply list, tracing pattern, and painting instructions. All parts sold separately.


Palette: DecoArt Americana
Antique Teal
Banana Cream
Black Green
Blue Mist
Burnt Sienna
Colonial Green
Cool White
Dark Chocolate
Deep Midnight Blue
French Grey Blue
Georgia Clay
Golden Straw
Hauser Light Green
Hauser Medium Green
Lamp Black
Light Avocado
Light Buttermilk
Mustard Seed
Neutral Grey
Olive Green
Plantation Pine
Rookwood Red
Soft Black
Slate Grey
Titanium White
10 x 20 canvas board
Frame to fit. (I had mine made to fit.)
Water Basin
Wet Palette
Cotton swabs
Paper towels
White and graphite transfer paper
Tracing paper
Scotch tape
Paper plates
Soft cloth
Americana Spray Sealer in Matte
Supplies below are needed for wood frame only:
Americana Multi-Purpose Sealer in Matte
Sand paper – medium grit
Brushes Loew Cornell La Corneille Golden Taklon
1” wash/glaze series 7550
3/4 wash/glaze series 7550
# 3 round series 7000
10/0 script liner series 7350
6/10 liner series 7350
#2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 series 7300
#2 filbert series 7500
Maxine Mop 1/2, 3/8, 1/4
1/8, 1/4 deerfoot stippler series 7850